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O-rings BS201 to BS284 in FKM (Viton)

Dispatch Time
Value for Money
Item Quality
1 Review(s)
0.22 0.48
0.23 0.51
0.25 0.54
0.25 0.56
0.26 0.58
0.28 0.62
0.30 0.66
0.32 0.7
0.33 0.74
0.35 0.76
0.36 0.79
0.37 0.82
0.39 0.85
0.39 0.86
0.41 0.9
0.43 0.94
0.44 0.97
0.46 1.01
0.47 1.04
0.73 1.61
0.65 1.43
0.68 1.49
0.73 1.6
0.78 1.72
0.83 1.83
0.91 2
0.98 2.16
1.12 2.47
1.10 2.42
1.15 2.54
1.21 2.66
1.33 2.93
1.39 3.05
1.45 3.18
1.50 3.31
1.56 3.44
1.52 3.34
1.57 3.46
1.63 3.58
1.68 3.7
1.74 3.82
1.79 3.94
1.84 4.06
1.90 4.18
1.95 4.3
2.62 5.76
2.06 4.53
2.12 4.65
2.17 4.77
2.27 4.99
2.39 5.26
2.45 5.39
2.51 5.51
2.56 5.64
2.62 5.77
2.68 5.89
2.78 6.11
2.86 6.29
2.64 5.8
2.74 6.03
2.85 6.26
2.95 6.48
3.53 7.78
4.35 9.58
3.26 7.17
3.41 7.51
3.46 7.62
3.57 7.85
3.71 8.16
3.80 8.35
4.25 9.35
4.43 9.75
4.50 9.9
5.24 11.54
5.32 11.7
5.66 12.46
5.85 12.87
5.97 13.14
6.42 14.12
6.91 15.2
7.45 16.38
7.87 17.32
8.36 18.4
8.57 18.85
Article No. I.D.(mm) C.S.(mm) Price Qty
1+ 50+ 100+ 500+
BS201V75 4.3400 3.5300 £0.48
BS202V75 5.9400 3.5300 £0.51
BS203V75 7.5200 3.5300 £0.54
BS204V75 9.1200 3.5300 £0.56
BS205V75 10.6900 3.5300 £0.58
BS206V75 12.2900 3.5300 £0.62
BS207V75 13.8700 3.5300 £0.66
BS208V75 15.4700 3.5300 £0.70
BS209V75 17.0400 3.5300 £0.74
BS210V75 18.6400 3.5300 £0.76
BS211V75 20.2200 3.5300 £0.79
BS212V75 21.8200 3.5300 £0.82
BS213V75 23.3900 3.5300 £0.85
BS214V75 24.9900 3.5300 £0.86
BS215V75 26.5700 3.5300 £0.90
BS216V75 28.1700 3.5300 £0.94
BS217V75 29.7400 3.5300 £0.97
BS218V75 31.3400 3.5300 £1.01
BS219V75 32.9200 3.5300 £1.04
BS220V75 34.5200 3.5300 £1.61
BS221V75 36.0900 3.5300 £1.43
BS222V75 37.6900 3.5300 £1.49
BS223V75 40.8700 3.5300 £1.60
BS224V75 44.0400 3.5300 £1.72
BS225V75 47.2200 3.5300 £1.83
BS226V75 50.3900 3.5300 £2.00
BS227V75 53.5700 3.5300 £2.16
BS228V75 56.7400 3.5300 £2.47
BS229V75 59.9200 3.5300 £2.42
BS230V75 63.0900 3.5300 £2.54
BS231V75 66.2700 3.5300 £2.66
BS232V75 69.4400 3.5300 £2.93
BS233V75 72.6200 3.5300 £3.05
BS234V75 75.7900 3.5300 £3.18
BS235V75 78.9700 3.5300 £3.31
BS236V75 82.1400 3.5300 £3.44
BS237V75 85.3200 3.5300 £3.34
BS238V75 88.4900 3.5300 £3.46
BS239V75 91.6700 3.5300 £3.58
BS240V75 94.8400 3.5300 £3.70
BS241V75 98.0200 3.5300 £3.82
BS242V75 101.1900 3.5300 £3.94
BS243V75 104.3700 3.5300 £4.06
BS244V75 107.5400 3.5300 £4.18
BS245V75 110.7200 3.5300 £4.30
BS246V75 113.8900 3.5300 £5.76
BS247V75 117.0700 3.5300 £4.53
BS248V75 120.2400 3.5300 £4.65
BS249V75 123.4200 3.5300 £4.77
BS250V75 126.5900 3.5300 £4.99
BS251V75 129.7700 3.5300 £5.26
BS252V75 132.9400 3.5300 £5.39
BS253V75 136.1200 3.5300 £5.51
BS254V75 139.2900 3.5300 £5.64
BS255V75 142.4700 3.5300 £5.77
BS256V75 145.6400 3.5300 £5.89
BS257V75 148.8200 3.5300 £6.11
BS258V75 151.9900 3.5300 £6.29
BS259V75 158.3400 3.5300 £5.80
BS260V75 164.6900 3.5300 £6.03
BS261V75 171.0400 3.5300 £6.26
BS262V75 177.3900 3.5300 £6.48
BS263V75 183.7400 3.5300 £7.78
BS264V75 190.0900 3.5300 £9.58
BS265V75 196.4400 3.5300 £7.17
BS266V75 202.7900 3.5300 £7.51
BS267V75 209.1400 3.5300 £7.62
BS268V75 215.4900 3.5300 £7.85
BS269V75 221.8400 3.5300 £8.16
BS270V75 228.1900 3.5300 £8.35
BS271V75 234.5400 3.5300 £9.35
BS272V75 240.8900 3.5300 £9.75
BS273V75 247.2600 3.5300 £9.90
BS274V75 253.5900 3.5300 £11.54
BS275V75 266.2900 3.5300 £11.70
BS276V75 278.9900 3.5300 £12.46
BS277V75 291.6900 3.5300 £12.87
BS278V75 304.3900 3.5300 £13.14
BS279V75 329.7900 3.5300 £14.12
BS280V75 355.1900 3.5300 £15.20
BS281V75 380.5900 3.5300 £16.38
BS282V75 405.2600 3.5300 £17.32
BS283V75 430.6600 3.5300 £18.40
BS284V75 456.0600 3.5300 £18.85

Customer Reviews

1 Item(s)

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O ring purchase
Review by
Item Quality
Dispatch Time
Value for Money
I am very pleased with all aspects of my transaction, my reason for only giving 4 stars for value for money is purely because I had to purchase more than I required to enable me to make up a minimum order value, this was really my problem as at least I could access the product and I realise in this day and age small quantityies are not really a viable option for low cost items, so we need to support companies or we will not be able to obtain items at all, I guess I now have spares for life, and I can always donate a few to fellow owners,
Thanks for all your help, I strongly recommend you to other potential customers, I will certainly use you again should I have the need.

Norman Hoggard
(Posted on 24/06/2014)

1 Item(s)

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