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O-rings BS309 to BS395 in FKM (Viton)

Dispatch Time
Value for Money
Item Quality
3 Review(s)
0.45 0.99
0.48 1.07
0.67 1.47
0.71 1.57
0.75 1.66
0.80 1.76
0.83 1.83
0.86 1.9
0.90 1.98
0.97 2.14
1.02 2.25
1.06 2.32
1.10 2.42
1.24 2.73
1.29 2.83
1.36 3
1.44 3.17
1.54 3.4
1.58 3.47
2.36 5.19
1.79 3.93
1.72 3.78
2.63 5.79
2.82 6.21
2.14 4.7
2.20 4.83
2.30 5.05
2.37 5.22
2.46 5.41
2.62 5.77
2.72 5.98
2.82 6.2
2.94 6.47
2.67 5.88
2.77 6.09
2.81 6.18
2.89 6.36
2.95 6.49
3.00 6.6
3.07 6.76
3.18 7
3.26 7.18
3.35 7.37
3.40 7.49
3.47 7.63
3.73 8.21
4.85 10.66
3.91 8.61
4.00 8.79
4.88 10.75
4.40 9.67
4.55 10.02
4.76 10.48
4.90 10.77
5.09 11.21
5.27 11.59
5.68 12.49
5.94 13.06
6.08 13.38
5.76 12.68
6.00 13.19
6.11 13.45
6.15 13.53
6.34 13.95
6.46 14.22
10.35 22.77
6.81 14.99
7.51 16.53
11.22 24.68
9.46 20.82
9.46 21.38
9.99 21.98
10.31 22.67
10.87 23.92
11.01 24.22
11.60 25.52
11.72 25.78
12.18 26.8
12.58 27.67
12.78 28.11
20.56 45.23
15.69 34.51
17.36 38.18
18.04 39.7
20.69 45.51
21.55 47.41
22.77 50.08
Article No. I.D.(mm) C.S.(mm) Price Qty
1+ 50+ 100+ 500+
BS309V75 10.4600 5.3300 £0.99
BS310V75 12.0700 5.3300 £1.07
BS311V75 13.6400 5.3300 £1.47
BS312V75 15.2400 5.3300 £1.57
BS313V75 16.8100 5.3300 £1.66
BS314V75 18.4200 5.3300 £1.76
BS315V75 19.9900 5.3300 £1.83
BS316V75 21.5900 5.3300 £1.90
BS317V75 23.1600 5.3300 £1.98
BS318V75 24.7700 5.3300 £2.14
BS319V75 26.3400 5.3300 £2.25
BS320V75 27.9400 5.3300 £2.32
BS321V75 29.5100 5.3300 £2.42
BS322V75 31.1200 5.3300 £2.73
BS323V75 32.6900 5.3300 £2.83
BS324V75 34.2900 5.3300 £3.00
BS325V75 37.4700 5.3300 £3.17
BS326V75 40.6400 5.3300 £3.40
BS327V75 43.8200 5.3300 £3.47
BS328V75 46.9900 5.3300 £5.19
BS329V75 50.1700 5.3300 £3.93
BS330V75 53.5400 5.3300 £3.78
BS331V75 56.5200 5.3300 £5.79
BS332V75 59.6900 5.3300 £6.21
BS333V75 62.8700 5.3300 £4.70
BS334V75 66.0400 5.3300 £4.83
BS335V75 69.2200 5.3300 £5.05
BS336V75 72.3900 5.3300 £5.22
BS337V75 75.5700 5.3300 £5.41
BS338V75 78.7400 5.3300 £5.77
BS339V75 81.9200 5.3300 £5.98
BS340V75 85.0900 5.3300 £6.20
BS341V75 88.2700 5.3300 £6.47
BS342V75 91.4400 5.3300 £5.88
BS343V75 94.6200 5.3300 £6.09
BS344V75 97.7900 5.3300 £6.18
BS345V75 100.9700 5.3300 £6.36
BS346V75 104.1400 5.3300 £6.49
BS347V75 107.3200 5.3300 £6.60
BS348V75 110.4900 5.3300 £6.76
BS349V75 113.6700 5.3300 £7.00
BS350V75 116.8400 5.3300 £7.18
BS351V75 120.0200 5.3300 £7.37
BS352V75 123.1900 5.3300 £7.49
BS353V75 126.3700 5.3300 £7.63
BS354V75 129.5400 5.3300 £8.21
BS355V75 132.7200 5.3300 £10.66
BS356V75 135.8900 5.3300 £8.61
BS357V75 139.0700 5.3300 £8.79
BS358V75 142.2400 5.3300 £10.75
BS359V75 145.4200 5.3300 £9.67
BS360V75 148.5900 5.3300 £10.02
BS361V75 151.7700 5.3300 £10.48
BS362V75 158.1200 5.3300 £10.77
BS363V75 164.4700 5.3300 £11.21
BS364V75 170.8200 5.3300 £11.59
BS365V75 177.1700 5.3300 £12.49
BS366V75 183.5200 5.3300 £13.06
BS367V75 189.8700 5.3300 £13.38
BS368V75 196.2200 5.3300 £12.68
BS369V75 202.5700 5.3300 £13.19
BS370V75 208.9200 5.3300 £13.45
BS371V75 215.2700 5.3300 £13.53
BS372V75 221.6200 5.3300 £13.95
BS373V75 227.9700 5.3300 £14.22
BS374V75 234.3200 5.3300 £22.77
BS375V75 240.6700 5.3300 £14.99
BS376V75 247.0200 5.3300 £16.53
BS377V75 253.3700 5.3300 £24.68
BS378V75 266.0700 5.3300 £20.82
BS379V75 278.7700 5.3300
BS380V75 291.4700 5.3300 £21.98
BS381V75 304.1700 5.3300 £22.67
BS382V75 329.5700 5.3300 £23.92
BS383V75 354.9700 5.3300 £24.22
BS384V75 380.3700 5.3300 £25.52
BS385V75 405.2600 5.3300 £25.78
BS386V75 430.6600 5.3300 £26.80
BS387V75 456.0600 5.3300 £27.67
BS388V75 481.4100 5.3300 £28.11
BS389V75 506.8100 5.3300 £45.23
BS390V75 532.2100 5.3300 £34.51
BS391V75 557.6100 5.3300 £38.18
BS392V75 582.6800 5.3300 £39.70
BS393V75 608.0800 5.3300 £45.51
BS394V75 633.4800 5.3300 £47.41
BS395V75 658.8800 5.3300 £50.08

Customer Reviews

3 Item(s)

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Excellent service, in every way
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Value for Money
Item Quality
Dispatch Time
Impressive delivery, product exactly as specified, low pricing. Excellent service, in every way. (Posted on 20/03/2014)
Good service - BS325V75
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Value for Money
Item Quality
Dispatch Time
Web site easy to use, delivery prompt. (Posted on 12/02/2014)
Excellent service - BS354 Viton(75)
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Value for Money
Item Quality
Dispatch Time
Goods arrived next day which was better than the advertised 3/4 days. (Posted on 16/12/2013)

3 Item(s)

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